Caterwaul /ˈkadərˌwôl/ Verb To make a shrill howling or wailing noise like that of a cat. Noun A new music festival that will happen yearly in Minneapolis over Memorial Day Weekend featuring underground/noise/divergent bands from across the globe that is put on by Learning Curve Records and Seismic Waves Entertainment.

FRI: An artist who only began recording music two years ago isn’t supposed to sing with such infectious bravado and haunting gloom …

Let’s make sure it’s said: Art-a-Whirl is a chance to celebrate the art made by the artists in the Northeast Arts District. So with all your whirl’in, make sure you save some cash to buy a print or painting from someone. You’ll be glad you did. Unless specified otherwise, the

WEDS: Get an earful of new and adventurous sounds at the equally adventurous House of Balls …

WEDS: Why wait until the weekend to get an earful from a festival’s worth of top musical talent?

TUES: To the joy of many fans, the duo decided to stay together and were married last summer …

MON: Fans of music on the heavier side need no more reason to get pumped for the upcoming Caterwaul festival, but …