Issue #21: Dear Fox Foxerson
Dear Fox Foxerson, I lost my job. After months of unemployment, I moved in with my parents.…
Dear Fox Foxerson, I lost my job. After months of unemployment, I moved in with my parents.…
Dear Fox Foxerson, My best friend and I have been doing drugs together since high school.…
Dear Fox Foxerson, I was the breadwinner of the family until a car accident made it impossible……
Dear Fox Foxerson, A coworker needed a place to live when her rent was significantly increased.…
Dear Fox Foxerson, We have a guy at work with really poor personal hygiene.…
Dear Fox Foxerson, Any suggestions about how to change a long-term, long distance relationship……
Dear Fox Foxerson, I have a friend who says he’s straight, but every time he gets drunk he……
Dear Fox Foxerson, I have a problem with my granddaughter, who has become vegan.…
Tongue-tied? Heart in shreds? Knickers in a twist? Let our friendly, fair Fox Foxerson help you untie, re-glue, and untwist. Send your most burning questions to and they’ll dispatch their best advice. And never fear: If you write in, fox-person privilege prevails.…
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