We’re glad that no one was hurt when Hennepin County Sheriff Dave “Hutch” Hutchinson got loaded at a Sheriff work event post-party, then sped home, and then had a major crash. And, yeah, he’s gotta resign, c’mon. But we really want to hone in on the fact that Hutch had an empty pack of Delta-8 gummies among the wreckage. Delta-8 is a version of weed that has a lesser concentration of THC but will still do the trick, especially if you’re dropping 25mg doses like Hutch. Since there’s less concentration, Delta-8 technically isn’t illegal and is more and openly sold around town—in fact, White Squirrel has both gummies and tinctures. But pro tip: start with half your gummie and wait a half hour, and plan for a ride home. And next time you hear someone from law enforcement testify against legalizing weed, a major civil rights issue in MN, remember that they’re partaking, too.