It doesn’t really matter that much to Chris Fleming. “It” being everything from how you classify his comedy, to his own gender identity. A YouTube phenom with over 77 million views, Fleming is probably best known for his bonkers web series, Gayle, where he plays a high-strung suburban mom named—you guessed it—Gayle. But he’s much more than the character—he’s a whole bunch of different characters: The absurd, eccentric, and wildly entertaining standup comic, the progressive gender-bending role model, or the musical genius behind jams like, ‘I’m Afraid to Talk to Men.’ On any given night, Fleming is likely to move effortlessly from one topic to the next, depriving his audience of what they think they want, in favor of a comedy experience they’ll never forget. THURS 7/13, 7 PM, $30, 18+