Over the past 15 years, countless comedy shows have come and gone through the Twin
Cities. But through it all, the Monday Night Comedy Show has remained constant. With
nearly 700 shows and almost 1,000 performers gracing its stage(s) over the past decade
and a half (!), the Monday Night Comedy show has served as a platform to showcase up-and-
coming Twin Cities comics and provided opportunities for comics to dig deep and write new material ona weekly basis with its artist-in-residency slots. One month even provided a stage for a
drama show which was a big fat flop. This month the MNC gang celebrates the big 1-5 with
another stacked lineup, plus a few special guests and surprises. And don’t forget—ach
show starts with a dramatic reading of the young adult classic Stephanie! based on the
character Stephanie Tanner on the original Full House. If you haven’t seen the MNCS
before, or you’ve been at all 672 shows, there is still no way of predicting what you may
see. MON, 8 PM. $6.
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