A Taste of Minnesota musical preview—plus memories of years past.   WORDS BY CHLOE GALLAGHER While I’ve only lived here a couple years, I’ve managed to enjoy many of the archetypal Minnesota summer activities: mosquitoes, Juicy Lucys on the patio, and seeing friends come and go “up North.” But due to

Third Eye Blind It took many years for frontman Stephan Jenkins and his original songwriting partner Kevin Cadogan, who met in San Francisco in 1993, to get signed to a major label and solidify the band lineup that would eventually record Third Eye Blind’s debut self-titled album. Trials and tribulations aside,

Sammie Jean Cohen Hailing from Northeast Minneapolis, singer-songwriter Sammie Jean is inspired by a wide variety of music from her growing-up years, including Etta James, Muddy Waters, The Eagles and, as of the last couple of years, Heartless Bastards and Shakey Graves.  11 AM-12 PM  Allison Eykholt A singer-songwriter, vibrational