I’m Gagging.Yeah, sorry, I have to tell the whole world about it. WORDS BY MARY LUCIA It doesn’t happen often, but when I throw up, it’s a big deal. You may be thinking “Looch, is the creative well that dry? Please don’t write an entire column about heaving.” Well, if

Lilacs, laughing gas, and a life less ordinary. WORDS BY MARY LUCIA We all know in reality perfection is boring, but if I lived in a flawless world… No writer worth their salt would use the expression “emotional roller coaster.” Laughing gas was included with every on hold call to

Life outside the soundproof padded cell. WORDS BY MARY LUCIA  I don’t know if it’s presumptuous to claim to be living in a post-COVID world, but I have noticed many noteworthy changes happening around me. People in everyday encounters seem extra timid and cautious. While getting dressed to go out,

On the art of conversations with artists WORDS BY MARY LUCIA Recently, I was trying to compile a greatest hit(s) of radio interviews I’ve done for a compilation reel. I thought maybe I should include some of the worst as well. I can only imagine they might be just as

It’s been seven years. I’m still OK with not knowing it all. WORDS BY MARY LUCIA  • • •  April 21, 2016: The day Minneapolis and the world suffered a collective gut punch—when Prince went OUT through the IN door from an accidental Fentanyl overdose. Has it really been seven

When listening to an old favorite album feels like pulling on a perfectly broken-in pair of jeans.