Ever wanted to capture some of that Death On the Nile energy? You’re in luck. Fearless Comedy presents the latest installment of their Mystery On the Mississippi series. Part theater, part social event, attendees float down the river on the Jonathan Padleford while helping solve a murder mystery. The interactive

Cribbage fans: you’ll want to read Fulton’s official cribbage Facebook event listing to get your fill of cribbage puns. You’ll also want to pony up to Fulton for their monthly cribbage tournament! The game’s a double elimination tournament style. BYOB(oard) for free entry and the chance at prizes, which are

Kids and teens can come to Tower Games to join a month-long Dungeons & Dragons campaign, led by “the inestimable Tony.” Call or email at their site to sign up. Players must be accompanied by a parent or guardian (who are welcome to play along!). TUES 6/6, 6 PM, $5,

 A tour of nine local courses—and a sneak peek of what’s to come—from American Mini Golf Alliance co-founder Tom Loftus. WORDS BY MARTIN DEVANEY When it comes to the short game, Minneapolis’ Tom Loftus has a long resumé. Along with his wife, Robin Schwartzman, Loftus runs the website A Couple