The Monday Night Comedy show at Club Underground celebrates sixteen years tonight with several comics, including the Wild Card spot, as well announcing their “Summer of Themes 2023”. MON 5/7, 7:00 PM, $6, 21+

Don’t miss this night of Hmong women-led comedy, live! Hosted by May Lee-Yang, it’s a night full of live standup, featuring the talents of See Vue Lee, Houa Moua, Mai Neng Moua, Kazua Melissa Vang, and Tsuab Yang. Come hungry and ready to enjoy the full menu Hmong House has

Abzi Connects Comedy to the Somali Community WORDS BY PATRICK STRAIT When Abzi—who performs under his mononym—started performing at open mics last summer, he fell in love with comedy right away. While he would hit up five or six stages each week, he also noticed that there weren’t many Somali

Comrade Tripp is Very Popular, but Still Sad WORDS BY PATRICK STRAIT Comrade Tripp has a voice that is incredibly unique in the Twin Cities comedy scene. And that voice is very sad.  His nervous, soft-spoken tone combined with his self-deprecating, anxiety-packed humor has allowed him to become one of

Having made her stand-up debut on NBC’s Last Comic Standing, Adrienne lapalucci has gone on to perform on Letterman, win the first-ever People’s Choice award at the New York Comedy Festival, and currently co-hosts the weekly podcast Vadge. She’ll be setting up shop at Acme with six shows running through

The comedian hustles her way to success and waits for no one. WORDS BY PATRICK STRAIT Despite only living in Minnesota since this past January, we’re claiming Kelsey Cook as one of our own. A stand-up comic who got her start in Washington 14 years ago, Cook spent the better